Contact us

Please include what vehicle you are working and any relevant modification details if your question is vehicle specific. I will get back to you within 24 hours! If you do not hear from me within that time, send me an email directly at

Before you ask, I DO NOT have any kits for 1500HD/2500/2500HD/3500HD trucks as they are not compatible with my kits due to differences in the lower control arm and frame. Furthermore I do not recommend this type of swap on these trucks, especially if you have a diesel or tow, because of the lack of suitable aftermarket springs in compatible sizes.

I do not have a phone number available to call. I prefer to keep all communication through email or messages through social media in order to stay lean and better organized. I apologize for any inconvenience.

Thank you

Due to current workload, I am 2-3 weeks out on shipping fabricated parts (seat brackets, motor mounts, etc.) Most aluminum parts are kept in stock and ready to ship.

    If the contact form is not working please email me directly at with any questions. Thank you!